Clarksville Middle School Band
Clarksville, Maryland

What are sectionals?
Each week all students enrolled in band will have a "sectional" or homogeneously grouped small rehearsal. These rehearsals will be a pull-out from a different class, rotating each week for four weeks. This rotation is designed so that students do not miss more than 2 classes from each subject per quarter. This means less than 5% of their instruction will be affected by attending sectionals.
The sectional schedule is posted on the calendar of this website, on the band room door (white board calendar), and provided at the beginning of each year in paper format. Students are responsible for attending their sectional without being reminded.
Arrive within the first 10 minutes of the period after you have checked in with your teacher. On minute 11, you are considered late.
When you arrive in the band room, quietly enter, unpack, get your music out and ready to go.
Begin warming up softly and playing through scales. You may also practice sections of your music softly.
After sectionals, pack up quickly and straighten your area. Your area should always be neater and straighter than when you arrived.
To be considered fully prepared for sectionals, students need to have:
All accessories needed to play instrument
Concert Music